Organising Group

The Annual Schools Science Conference is organised by

The 3rd event is Science at the Heart of the NHS 2005.

The event’s main objectives are to:

  • Inspire students to study science
  • Demonstrate the importance of science in health and everyday life
  • Showcase some of the myriad careers open to those who study science.

The conference is exclusively presented by experienced professionals in the fields of science and healthcare, and attracts around 350 students from London secondary schools and further education colleges (years 9-11) along with their teachers. 

The backbone of the conference is made up of 80-100 enthusiastic volunteer scientists from various sectors, including NHS, academia, public sectors, industry, and commerce, who provide engaging hands-on displays.

The 2006 organising group comprised:

  • Don Henderson
    Consultant Clinical Scientist, Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Sue Alexander 
    Principal Biomedical Scientist & Pathology Services Manager, Royal Marsden NHS Trust
  • Manfred Almeida
    Lead Biomedical Scientist, Microbiology, Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Danya Cohen
    Medical Microbiology Divisional Manager, Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Chrystalla Ferrier
    Project Manager (Multidisciplinary Biomedical Science Training Scheme), St Mary’s NHS Trust and the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust
  • Suzanne Hilton
    AHP+HCS Programme Lead, NWL WDC
  • Alex Javed
    Laboratory Manager, Histopathology, Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Trust
  • Georgina Lavender
    Deputy Head BMS, Clinical Biochemistry, Harefield Hospital NHS Trust
  • Chris Wynne
    Biomedical Scientist and Advisor to the Working Group 

Science at the Heart of the NHS – 2006

The 3rd Annual Schools Science Conference took place on 9th March 2006

Kensington Town Hall

Hornton Street
W8 7NX