Acute Anaphylaxis 

Case Study

Swelling caused by Acute Anaphylaxis
Acute Anaphylaxis

A forty year old man presented at A&E with significant lip swelling. Over the next 20 minutes whilst in the waiting room he developed itching on his face and hands, increasing breathlessness and chest tightness. When monitored his blood pressure had dropped and his oxygen saturation had fallen to 88%. His wife, who was with him, mentioned that he had a known allergy to bananas but that this hadn’t provided him with any major problems previously as he had avoided eating them. When the doctor asked what he had been doing immediately before feeling ill she replied that he had been blowing up balloons at their daughter’s birthday party.

What do you think is causing this man’s symptoms?

What course of actions might you take?

What action should the patient take after being advised of their sensitivity to Latex in addition to banana?