
The 6th Schools Science Conference comprised the following exciting sessions:

  • Welcome & Introduction
  • Science for ExperimentationYoung scientists present their own work 
  • Science for Interaction
    • Science in Practice – Interactive exhibits
    • Science at the Heart of the NHS – 2006 – Interactive talks
    • A Day in the Life of… – Interactive workshops
  • Science for Inspiration
    • Keynote speeches
  • Round-up & Prize Giving

Science for Interaction

Science in Practice

Interactive Exhibits 
Meet the Scientists and Healthcare Professionals

Hands-on interactive sessions where you meet scientists, try out some scientific equipment, undertake scientific assessments, answer questions for prizes and learn how science is applied to healthcare.

AND don’t forget to ask scientists what they do and why they love their jobs.

Science at the Heart of the NHS – 2006

Interactive talk 

  • Introduction
    • Don Henderson
      Consultant Clinical Scientist, Immunology, Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust
    • Professor Sue Hill
      Chief Scientific Officer, Department of Health
  • NHS Flight Map for the World
    • Danya Cohen
      Microbiology Divisional Manager, Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust

Facing Science in Health and Life

Interactive workshops on healthcare careers

How can Science, Medicine and Artistic Creativity overcome disfigurement caused by accident, illness and inheritance to help people to fit in and lead normal lives?

  • Biomedical Scientist
    • Dr Sandeep H Cliff BSC FRCP
      Consultant Dermatologist and MOHs Surgeon,Surrey and Sussex NHS Trust; Honarary Senior Lecturer, St George’s Medical School; Su-Dean Brighton and Sussex Medical School
      • I am a consultant dermatologist with an interest in skin cancer. I also have an interest in education and am involved in the training and selection of medical students for a large medical school.
  • Clinical Virologist
    • Mr Niall Kirkpatrick BDS MBBS MD FRCS FRCS(Plast)
      Consultant Craniofacial Plastic Surgeon, Chelsea & Westminster and Charing Cross Hospitals
      • Niall heads up a fully integrated, multi-disciplinary team dedicated to the treatment of facial deformity in both children and adults. He is Lead clinician of the Craniofacial Unit at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, Member of the Multidisciplinary Head & Neck Unit at Charing Cross Hospital and Medical Director of Facing The World Charity.
  • Counsellor & Stress Buster!
    • Mrs Sarah Jones MIMPT
      Consultant Maxillofacial Prosthetist, Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust
      • As a prosthetist, Sarah provides clinical, scientific and advisory services to patients for their rehabilitation by restoration using implants, splints and prosthesis. She carries out complex and innovative reconstructive rehabilitation techniques directly on patients.
  • Immunologist Researching HIV in Uganda
    • Professor Hutchison
      Consultant Surgeon, Bart’s and the London NHS Trust and Chief Executive, Facial Surgery Research Foundation – Saving Faces
      • Iain has been Consultant Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon St Bartholomew’s, The Royal London Hospital & Homerton Hospitals since 1989. Iain was appointed to a professorship in 2007. He founded the United Kingdom Oral Cancer Research Group. Iain has written for many publications and is in great demand as a lecturer and expert media commentator. He has been nominated for the 2008 Beacon Award for New Initiatives in charity.
  • Nuclear Medicine and PET Radiographer
    • Trevor Coward
      Senior Lecturer / Consultant in Prosthetic Facial Prostheses, Kings College London Dental Institute
      • Dr Coward is a practising Maxillofacial Prosthetist and Technologist. Qualified as a dental technician in 1979 and became a Dental Instructor in 1981. He gained experience in complex restorative cases and provided technical support for clinical research programmes by senior academic staff. Extra-Oral implant programmes were introduced in 1986 and his interest in facial prostheses and patients with facial asymmetry (ie hemifacial microsomia) developed. He was awarded an MPhil in 1996 for work in the provision of facial prostheses using laser scanning and CAD/CAM techniques. He became the Chief Dental Instructor in Prosthetics in 1996. In October 2003 he was given the task of setting-up an MSc programme. In 2004 he was awarded his PhD for work on digital technology in facial prosthetics. Dr Coward is an active researcher, lecturer, and developer of advanced technology for use in facial prosthetics. 

Science for Inspiration

Rocket man!

Keynote Speaker
Kevin Fong

Kevin Fong is a hospital doctor with degrees in Astrophysics and Medicine. He has spent the last decade working closely with NASA collaborating in medical research projects. Kevin was responsible for creating the UK Space Biomedical Advisory Committee and runs the UK’s only course in space medicine and extreme environment physiology at UCL. In 2003 he was awarded a NESTA Fellowship grant to allow him to further investigate the wider benefits of human space flight to the UK.

Kevin Fong
Lecturer in Physiology, and Director of the Centre for Aviation, Space & Extreme Environment Medicine, University College London

Science for Inspiration

The 21st Century – The Stem Cell Age

Keynote Speaker
Professor Chris Mason

Chris has a Clinical Sciences degree, a Medical Degree, a PhD in tissue‑engineering and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. He leads the Regenerative Medicine Bioprocessing Group in the Advanced Centre for Biochemical Engineering at UCL and is also Senior Editor of ‘Regenerative Medicine’ journal, co‑founder and Director of the London Regenerative Medicine Network and on the founding Steering Committee for the UK National Stem Cell Network. 

Professor Chris Mason MBBS, PhD, FRCS
Regenerative Medicine Bioprocessing Unit, Advanced Centre for Biochemical Engineering, University College London

Facing Science in Health and Life

The 6th Annual Schools Science Conference took place on 12th March 2009

Kensington Town Hall

Hornton Street
W8 7NX