
Welcome! Are you ready to put your knowledge to the test? 

Whether you’re looking to prove your expertise, review key takeaways from the conference, or are simply curious about science and healthcare, our quiz is the perfect opportunity to challenge yourself and expand your understanding. From general knowledge questions to in-depth healthcare information, this quiz is designed to examine your level of understanding and potentially highlight areas for further learning. 

So, are you up for the challenge? Gather your thinking cap and let’s begin!


#1. Which condition can be diagnosed by measuring troponin levels?

#2. How many Physiotherapists are there in UK?

#3. In chronic bronchitis the air passages become clogged with what, which leads to a persistent cough?

#4. What is the difference between bacteriostatic and bactericidal mode of action?

#5. How many sections are there to the ear?

#6. If you were listening to someone’s heart with a stethoscope where would you position the head of stethoscope so you can hear it?

#7. Who discovered X-rays?

#8. In which of the following fields is radioactivity NOT commonly used?

#9. What is a hematopoeitic stem cell?

#10. The monitoring of HIV infection primarily focuses on which cells of the immune system?


Facing Science in Health and Life

The 6th Annual Schools Science Conference took place on 12th March 2009

Kensington Town Hall

Hornton Street
W8 7NX