
Welcome! Are you ready to put your knowledge to the test?

Whether you’re looking to prove your expertise, review key takeaways from the conference, or are simply curious about science and healthcare, our quiz is the perfect opportunity to challenge yourself and expand your understanding. From general knowledge questions to in-depth healthcare information, this quiz is designed to examine your level of understanding and potentially highlight areas for further learning.

So, are you up for the challenge? Gather your thinking cap and let’s begin!


#1. Do a kidney transplant patient and donor need to be ABO blood group compatible?

#2. When was Great Ormond Street (the first children’s hospital in the UK) founded?

#3. What is a device for accurately measuring blood pressure?

#4. How are diseases diagnosed by the doctor?

#5. What percentage of nurses are children’s nurses?

#6. What effect(s) would you predict adrenaline would have on your body?

#7. What does an antibiotic do?

#8. Which of the following may be diagnosed with a cardiorespiratory sleep study?

#9. What does BiPAP stand for?

#10. What is the difference between viruses and bacteria?

#11. Why is a crossmatch needed before a kidney transplant can take place?

#12. What is the main reason for randomising patients to their treatment allocation in a clinical trial?

#13. If you train to be a nurse, which of these is not one of the 4 key fields you can specialise in?

#14. Matching for HLA (human leukocyte antigen) molecules is important in transplantation

#15. What is the carbon footprint of an average UK clinical trial?


Science for…

The 21st Annual Schools Science Conference took place on 24th April 2024

University of Westminster

115 New Cavendish Street

The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service

The Queen's Award for Volunteer Service logo

The highest recognition for volunteer groups in the UK has been awarded to science4u