
Welcome! Are you ready to put your knowledge to the test? 

Whether you’re looking to prove your expertise, review key takeaways from the conference, or are simply curious about science and healthcare, our quiz is the perfect opportunity to challenge yourself and expand your understanding. From general knowledge questions to in-depth healthcare information, this quiz is designed to examine your level of understanding and potentially highlight areas for further learning. 

So, are you up for the challenge? Gather your thinking cap and let’s begin!



#1. Registered nurses can deliver radiotherapy treatment to patients who have cancer?

#2. What does CPAP stand for?

#3. Which German physician and scientist discovered the organism that causes tuberculosis (TB) in 1882?

#4. How many different types of registered Radiographer are there in the UK?

#5. What are bacteria grown on in the laboratory?

#6. In which year was the first monoclonal antibody generated?

#7. Which one of these activities does NOT involve the use of particle accelerators?

#8. How many chromosomes does a human have?

#9. A combined kidney and pancreas transplant is used in the treatment of which of the following?

#10. The OR Society is the professional home of the operational research and analytics community with approximately 3,000 members in 60 countries. What is their X (Twitter) handle?

#11. Which one of these imaging techniques uses ionising radiation?

#12. What was Charles Darwin’s book on the theory of evolutiopn called?

#13. Name one reason an anaesthetist/doctor may use an ultrasound machine?

#14. Why is a crossmatch needed before a kidney transplant can take place?

#15. What is the age of consent to be a bone marrow donor?

#16. Approximately how many people are on the UK national transplant kidney waiting list?

#17. What is the name of the ligament that runs diagonally in the middle of the knee?

#18. What is microbiology the study of?

#19. Why are cell therapy and gene therapy procedures carried out in a closed system?

#20. Which exposure will give you the highest dose of radiation?

#21. Are all bacteria, yeasts, moulds and viruses bad for you?

#22. There are 5 million trillion trillion (5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) bacteria in the world! What percentage is harmful to humans, plants and animals?

#23. Which exposure will give you the highest dose of radiation?

#24. What is a stent?

#25. Do a kidney transplant patient and donor need to be ABO blood group compatible?

#26. What is OSA?

#27. What is the instrument called that is used to intubate a patients airway?

#28. What is the length of human DNA in a single cell?

#29. What is the largest chromosome in a human cell?

#30. Which Infectious disease is the leading cause of death worldwide?


Science for Discovery

The 15th Annual Schools Science Conference took place on 18th April 2018

University of Westminster

115 New Cavendish Street