Experience our latest event

The 21st Annual Schools Science Conference was held on 24th April 2024 at University of Westminster

Science for ... heart logo

Welcome to science4u
home of the Annual Schools Science Conference

showcasing exciting careers in science 

Here you can find details of each of the events organised by science4u

The objectives of these unique interactive events are to inspire the next generation of scientists and health professionals

  • Inspire
    Inspire students to study science
  • Demonstrate
    Demonstrate the importance of science in health and everyday life
  • Showcase
    Showcase some of the exciting and rewarding careers open to those who study science.
Science for the World logo

Science for Artificial Intelligence

The 18th event – 2021

Science for Celebration logo

Science for xx

The 17th event – 2020

Science for Sustainability logo

Science for Sustainability

The 16th event – 2019

Science for Discovery

Science for Discovery

The 15th event – 2018

Science for Transformation logo

Science for Transformation

The 14th event – 2017

Science for Your Future logo

Science for Your Future

The 13th event – 2016

Science for Survival logo

Science for Survival

The 12th event – 2015

Science for New Frontiers logo

Science for New Frontiers

The 11th event – 2014

Science for Living logo

Science for Living

The 10th event – 2013

Science for Gold logo

Science for Gold

The 9th event – 2012

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Science is the Future

The 8th event – 2011

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Science is All Around Us

The 7th event – 2010

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Facing Science in Health and Life

The 6th event – 2009

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Science in Health and Life

The 5th event – 2008

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Science for Healthy Living

The 4th event – 2007

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Science at the Heart of the NHS – 2006

The 3rd event – 2006

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Science at the Heart of the NHS – 2005

The 2nd event – 2005

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Science at the Heart of the NHS – 2004

The 1st event – 2004