
Welcome! Are you ready to put your knowledge to the test? 

Whether you’re looking to prove your expertise, review key takeaways from the conference, or are simply curious about science and healthcare, our quiz is the perfect opportunity to challenge yourself and expand your understanding. From general knowledge questions to in-depth healthcare information, this quiz is designed to examine your level of understanding and potentially highlight areas for further learning. 

So, are you up for the challenge? Gather your thinking cap and let’s begin!


#1. What is the cause of the disease Epidermolysis Bullosa?

#2. What do microbiologists study?

#3. Radiotherapy is the use of ionising radiation to treat which of the following conditions?

#4. Why are cell therapy and gene therapy procedures carried out in a closed system?

#5. In DNA which molecule pairs with Adenine?

#6. What might your GP prescribe you to treat an infection that is caused by bacteria?

#7. How many chambers are there in the heart?

#8. What species of malaria parasite usually causes SEVERE malaria?

#9. What measurement is commonly used to monitor people with Asthma?

#10. How many people in the world do not have access to an adequate toilet? (the world’s population is just over 7 billion)

#11. What is the age of consent to be a bone marrow donor?

#12. What do scientists and doctors do to definitively diagnose malaria?

#13. When having radiotherapy the patient feels which of the following?

#14. Should moles and dark spots be checked regularly?

#15. What does an ECG show?

#16. What is ECG an abbreviation for?

#17. What rhythmn does a defibrillator shock?

#18. What is histology?

#19. What shape does double stranded DNA form?

#20. How many chest compressions should you do per minute during CPR?

#21. What is the name of a medication commonly used to treat Asthma?

#22. What is the name of the heart’s main pumping chamber that delivers oxygenated blood to the body?

#23. What does the colour flow doppler indicate on an echocardiogram?

#24. What is the main treatment for a person with thalassaemia major?

#25. What does RBC stand for?

#26. Why are malaria parasites so effective at evading the body’s immune system?

#27. How far does an average adult walk in a lifetime (approximately)?

#28. What are the upper chambers of the heart called?

#29. What is the commonest bacterial cause of food poisoning in England and Wales?

#30. What do histologists look at under a microscope?


Science for Living

The 10th Annual Schools Science Conference took place on 19th March 2013

The Royal College of Pathologists

2 Carlton House Terrace
St James’s